Specialist planning in the event business: Cost Driver or Cost Reducer?
Category: Tips
In many cases, the technical staff at event venues take on the task of procuring technical installations and / or renovations from technical systems to spectator systems (grandstands / seating). Busy with daily responsibilities, there is hardly any time for this additional challenge. Furthermore, there is no time to deal with the subject in a coherent manner. A specialist planning office that deals with these tasks on a daily basis is faster and more efficient but also puts pressure on the budget.

Measured on a fictitious project with 2,000 seats to be renewed on a fixed grandstand and 500 seats with a telescopic grandstand, assuming services in the sense of the HOAI, the time required by the technical staff should be ~ 900 hours until completion. The specialist planner needs an estimated ~ 1,550 hours including the hours that the technical staff has to invest in meetings. The effort and thus the costs here are ~ 40% above personal contribution. But the 40% will be put into perspective by the result of the bid or tender.

The tendering result of the specialist planner will always be more economical. He knows the market and is known in the market. This alone leads to better offers because he is in fact like a "permanent customer". Furthermore, the specialist planner has a great deal of well-founded experience, which, with his involvement, lead to a reduction in construction times, more efficient project handling and thus to significant overall cost savings. Deadlines and qualities increase. In comparison to a self-implemented measure without technical planning, the savings for the entire project may well be in the range of 35%.
A specialist planner who earns his daily living with planning services in the area of event venues is clearly a Cost Reducer!