Tage Bauzeit
In 2009 we were invited to come to Hamburg to examine the coordination of planning for the scenographic trades and find a way to optimize the entire process. 94 months later and with 6 co-workers on set in Hamburg we finalized the project on 31 March 2017.
After our assignment we immediately began working on a schedule for planning and tendering procedures. Together and in close cooperation with theatrical engineering of GCA, Hochtief AG and the building owner we developed no less than 11 tendering packages. Those 11 specialist disciplines were meant to generate more specific planning and tendering processes and simplify the commissioning of specialist trades. By the end of 2010 we could already award contracts for the highly planning-intensive trades. Due to the outstanding architectural complexity of the building coordination efforts increased massively, our partner BlueNode joined in and we finally took on the entire project management for scenographic trades.
In both 2011 and 2012 we concentrated on incorporating the scenography into all other areas of the Elbphilharmonie. And in 2013 when our new team member Anna Wolf joined in we finally started implementing scenography. At this stage of our work the challenge was to synchronize all interfaces into the overall planning. By this time the theatrical engineering specialist had terminated his contract, so we took over his services on top including all outstanding tenders.
Finally on 31 October 2016 all of the 11 tendering packages were installed and implemented. In detail this were: 60 stage risers, 1 telescopic seating platform, 30 chain-hoists, 12 scenery hoists, 1 big-scale towing winch, 130 curtains, 7 stage management consoles, 3 fully equipped control rooms, 50 control and network cabinets, 600 spotlights, 3 dimmer systems with 280 channels, 6 light mixer panels, 5 audio mixer consoles, 4 beamer, 2 screens, 150 junction boxes for lighting, 250 junction boxes for audio/video, several 100 km of wiring and innumerable mobile elements.
After the impressive opening ceremony in January 2017 and supporting the first several weeks of events our mission was accomplished on 31 March 2017.